The Americana
It’s time to start wearing white again, Memorial day is finally here, and the summer fun can finally start! We have lots of bright color frames to get you in the mood for summer! Including our Americana frame to get you in the mood to celebrate this country and those who have lost their lives fighting to protect it.
Memorial Day is Here!
Memorial Day is here! The last Monday of May, this year the 31st, is Memorial Day. A day to remember and celebrate those who lost their lives fighting for the things this country stands for. Memorial Day is a federal holiday honoring those who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. It’s important to remember, and memorialize those who died serving this country, but it’s also important to appreciate those veterans who are still with us.
The Americana frame
Do you know any Old Azz veterans who hold things very far away from their eyes to read them? If so, they could probably use some reading glasses, and we have just the ones fit for the job. Red, White, and Blue! That’s the Americana. The perfect frame for those like us who want to show off their patriotism, not on their sleeve but on their face! You’re sure to get some attention wearing the Americana readers, and when people as to where you got your awesome glasses, refer them to our website! We have something for everyone!
Wearing something that makes a statement the way the Americana does shows people that you’re proud of where you came from whether it’s The United States of America, or Wichita specifically! The Americana is an acetate frame with a red, white, and blue stripe fabric on it, and it comes in a Wichita flag case! Remembering those who gave their lives to this country is important, it isn’t an easy sacrifice, so go celebrate Memorial day, and appreciate those who lost their lives in the line of duty.